Video Koshien 2022 Heat

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Finalists selected! (決勝進出作品決定!)

Following 8 videos were selected as finalists. Congratulations!
以下の 8つの作品が決勝進出となりました。おめでとうございます!


日本 (Japan)





  • Japan (日本)17校
    • 宝塚西、宇和、安城東、福島南、大阪ビジネスフロンティア、高松西、富士見、高千穂、石巻、安古市、安積黎明、 岡山後楽館、城之内、横浜商業、松山中央、横須賀、上田西
  • US (米国) 13校
    • Sacred Hearts Academy Honolulu, Stuyvesant, Lockport Township, Langley, Elkhorn, Southwest, Mills, IS Beaverton, Glenbrook South, Ocean Lakes, Elkhorn North, Hickman, Marble Hill
Theme: Connection(つながり)


Takarazuka Nishi HS (宝塚西高校)


KAC staff comments: The students did a great job expressing the feeling of being connected despite being far away from their friends through the paper plane. It was very creative!

Uwa High School (宇和高校)


KAC staff comments: The video was absolutely stunning and the beautiful scenery of Uwa was captivating. I thought the video expressed the concept of connection, which cannot be seen beautifully.

Anjo Higashi High School (安城東高校)


KAC staff comments: It was a very moving video portraying students who came from different places and going to different places but spent their high school years together in the same place, with the overarching theme of “ichi-go ichi-e,” a once in a life time moment. Well done!

Fukushima-Minami High School (福島南高校)



KAC staff comments: This video was so much fun! It felt like I was watching a little video game.  They did a great job of introducing their high school lives while also showing the connection they build with new friends. The narration was very clear and the introduction of the club activities was dynamic and great.

Osaka Business Frontier High School (大阪ビジネスフロンティア高校)


KAC staff comments: It was a great video using a topic everyone is interested in, food! The students did a great job showing the connection between Japan and the rest of the world through food. The smiles on the students’ faces were great and watching the video made me hungry.

Takamatsu-Nishi High School (高松西高校)

KACスタッフからのコメント:作品の全部を通じて、たくさんの英語でセリフが入っていてすごいなと感心しました。英語もとても聴きやすかったです。物語の構成もよくできていて、Global Classmatesへの熱い気持ちも表現できていると思いました。

KAC staff comments: I was impressed by the amount of English lines throughout the entire video and they were very easy to understand. The structure of the story was great, and the passion for Global Classmates exchange was expressed very well.

Fujimi High School (富士見高校)


KAC staff comments: I liked how the video showed glimpses of the wide variety of club activities at the school and the connections each of them has. It was also great to take advantage of the location of the school and using Mt. Fuji in the background!

Takachiho High School (高千穂高校)



KAC staff comments: The sites that they showcased in this video are amazing and it was such a unique idea to form a heart on the map with the landmarks that they visited. Also, from the very beginning of the video, I could feel the joy from everyone and could see creativity throughout the video, such as writing “connection” on the ground.

Ishinomaki High School (石巻高校)



KAC staff comments: It was a very uplifting video to watch! I could see that the dance was the result of everyone coming together, and it was very unique in that it expressed a connection that cannot be expressed through words.

Yasufuruichi High School (安古市高校)


KAC staff comments: Food is a great way to show connection! The way they all got together and showed the history behind okonomiyaki was really creative and the video is really well made.

Asaka Reimei High School (安積黎明高校)


KAC staff comments: The narration and the editing was very well done. I was able to feel the strong connection between the students despite the challenges of the pandemic.

Okayama Korakukan High School (岡山後楽館高校)



KAC staff comments: This was a very heartwarming video that showed the importance of connection and how the connection helped each other. The quality of the video itself was also excellent.

Jonouchi High School (城之内高校)


KAC staff comments: It was great to see clips of each students skills, including calligraphy and kendo, which are unique to Japan. The video was well done and kept the viewers engaged. The video itself was also good and well edited and really great to watch!

Yokohama Shogyo High School (横浜商業高校)


KAC staff comments: I liked the concept of the video that showed how their connections with each other and the people they interact with have grown over time and will continue to grow. I hope they make many more connections into the future! The narration was also really well done.

Matsuyama Central High School (松山中央高校)


KAC staff comments: It was a very creative way to show how to get a class to come together and achieve a goal. I’m so impressed that they beat the Guinness World Record!

Yokosuka High School (横須賀高校)


KAC staff comments: I was immediately drawn into the video with its news format. The content of the video was also great, using real comments from people talking about the connections between Japan and other countries.

Ueda Nishi High School (上田西高校)


KAC staff comments: In just three minutes, the video was packed with information on specific students. Each student’s personality came through the video and made it fun to watch. The structure of the video was also well done.


Sacred Hearts Academy Honolulu


KAC staff comments: With the one theme of “connection,” the video did a great job of showing how each student feels connected in their daily lives, and it was a great way to show the diversity of thoughts within a single video.

Stuyvesant High School



KAC staff comments: It was a fun video to watch because you could see the connection between the students as they talked about their passions. Creating the video in an online interview format was very unique to being in the pandemic, and I think it was great to see the details put into the work such as matching the backgrounds.

Lockport Township High School


KAC staff comments: It was great to see clips of everyone’s everyday lives while focusing on the theme of connection. It made me want to see even more!

Langley High School



KAC staff comments: The message of the video was very powerful and moving. I liked how the video showed many of the students in their own element, and it was also very well structured as a whole.

Elkhorn High School


KAC staff comments: The video was very interesting and unique. I liked how it showed the students working hard to create the video in Japanese, and I thought it expressed the individuality of each student through the theme of connection very well. I could also see the creativity in the video production itself too.

Southwest High School


KAC staff comments: It was a really fun video to watch and I liked how it highlighted the characteristics of the region with the many lakes and cold weather activities like drinking hot chocolate and snowball fights. It was a great way to show the theme of connection that are rooted in everyone’s daily lives.

Mills High School



KAC staff comments: I liked how the students conveyed the theme by showing how they stay connected to each other, the community, and their partner schools during the Global Classmates program. The quality of the video was high with its great narration and editing.

International School of Beaverton


KAC staff comments: The video did a great job focusing on the unique characteristics of the school while showcasing their connection to the world. The narrator and the structure of the video was also great!

Glenbrook South High School


KAC staff comments: It was great to showcase students from different countries around the world and how they are all connected through studying Japanese. It was also interesting to use Zoom to create the video.

Ocean Lakes High School


KAC staff comments: I liked how the video showed the state of the school before and after the pandemic and I could really feel the challenges that the current high school students are facing. I was happy to see that students were able to connect with each other through the Japanese class.

Elkhorn North High School


KAC staff comments: Each student did a great job of presenting the theme connection in Japanese. The structure of the video was also clean and easy to watch.

Hickman High School


KACスタッフからのコメント:とても楽しくてクリエイティブなビデオでした! 手紙を通したやりとりのコンセプトで、生徒たちがつながりを表しているところがとても良かったです。

KAC staff comments: This was such a fun and creative video! I loved the concept and how the students were able to express connection in an indirect way.

Marble Hill High School


KAC staff comments: It was great to focus on the simple but at times hard to notice aspect of connection, that human connection is created by supporting each other. Well done!