Video Koshien 2023 Heat
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Finalists selected! (決勝進出作品決定!)
Following 8 videos were selected as finalists. Congratulations!
以下の 8つの作品が決勝進出となりました。おめでとうございます!
Japan (日本)
US (米国)
Nothern Valley Regional High School at Demarest (New Jersey)
Stuyvesant High School (New York)
Lockport Township High School (Illinois)
Woodinville High School (Washington)
- Japan (日本) 12校
- 高松西、洛北、石巻、上田西、宇和、松山中央、池田、追手門学院、岡山後楽館、宮崎商業、横浜商業、中央学院
- US (米国) 15校
- Northern Valley Regional at Demarest, Stuyvesant, Roswell, Elkhorn North, Northern Valley Old Tappan, Southwest, Hickman, Coronado, International School of Beaverton, Lockport Township, Mills, Woodinville, Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Marble Hill, Glenbrook South
Takamatsu Nishi High School (香川県立高松西高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked how they reflected on their school life and shared a clear message on what kind of high school curriculum they would like to have in the future. I thought the video was very well done, with a lot of creativity in the video.
Rakuhoku High School (京都府立洛北高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked how they showed the practical actions each person can take. I also really liked the creativity of using a earth-shaped ball as a baton to pass around as everyone considered the future of the world.
Ishinomaki High School (宮城県石巻高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked the message that we can build a better future by working together, preserving our traditions and learning about each other’s culture. The video was well put together and visually appealing.
Ueda Nishi High School (上田西高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked that the video included not only an introduction to the SDGs, but also what each individual could do about each issue. I think the explanation of each theme and the solutions were introduced well in clear English.
Uwa High School (愛媛県立宇和高等学校)
KAC staff comments: The view of the area around the high school at the beginning of the video was very beautiful. With each student presenting his or her dreams for the future and what they plan to do to achieve them, it made me want to support each and every one of them.
Matsuyama Chuo High School (愛媛県立松山中央高等学校)
KAC staff comments: The video clearly conveyed what kind of future they hoped for. It had a great message about wanting to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against people with disabilities and people from other countries.
Ikeda High School (徳島県立池田高等学校定時制課程)
KAC staff comments: I thought the script focusing on one of the SDGs topics was very clear and well written. The acting of the students who presented it was also good. The editing was also very well done, including the way the scenes changed and the use of images, that it brought out the best in the script and the acting.
Otemon Gakuin (追手門学院高等学校)
KAC staff comments: The unique and unconvetional message of the video stood out to me. The message of what is necessary for people to be happy is very interesting, especially now that technology is evolving and we can lead our daily lives without human interaction. The presentation was also excellent.
Okayama Kourakukan (岡山市立岡山後楽館高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I was moved by the fact that the video not only shared what can be done to make the world a better place but shared a message that each of us can start doing something about it right away. The story was well done and very enjoyable to watch, and the content empowered me to do something right away.
Miyazaki Shogyo High School (宮崎県立宮崎商業高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked how they took the school market that they are part of and considered concrete ways make it accessible to many people in the community. The script and editing of the video was simple but very clear and the energy of the market was also very clear.
Yokohama Shogyo High School (神奈川県立横浜商業高等学校)
KACスタッフからのコメント:自分たちの身の回りから将来の事を考えるという点は非常に良かったと思う. 各生徒の英語力も安定していて、とても聞き取りやすかったです。
KAC staff comments: I liked the viewpoint of starting with their own surroundings when thinking about the future. Each student’s English was good and very easy to understand.
Chuo Gakuin High School (千葉県中央学院高等学校)
KAC staff comments: I liked how they showed a society where there are many different people and these different people can live in their own way.
Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest (New Jersey)
KAC staff comments: The issue of bullying was clearly addressed in the video. The idea of having the future teach us to change our behavior was unique, and the title is also good.
Stuyvesant High School (New York)
KAC staff comments: I liked the message that to create the future society that they dream of, each of them will think of what kind of job they want to have and why to create their own individual future. It was really fun to watch.
Roswell High School (Georgia)
KAC staff comments: The students’ Japanese was very good and easy to understand. The message that while we tend to think of everyday life and study as nothing but school work, there are hints for thinking about the future hidden in high school life was great and energizing
Elkhorn North High School (Nebraska)
KAC staff comments: I thought they did a good job of sharing what they can do themselves to improve the future by using examples from their surroundings and actual clubs at Elkhorn. It was also well edited and easy to read.
Northern Valley Regional High School Old Tappan (New Jersey)
KAC staff comments: The video did a great job raising the issue with the environment and sharing the solution to the issue. I was drawn in from the beginning through the music and the visuals. The Japanese narration was also very easy to understand.
Southwest High School (Minnesota)
KAC staff comments: I liked the interview format of the video asking students about the future world they wanted to create. It was a good compilation of many student interviews with good editing.
Hickman High School (Missouri)
KAC staff comments: The message to be kind to each other on a daily basis was conveyed well through various examples. The Japanese was easy to understand. I thought the script and editing were very good, and the music fit the theme and story.
Coronado High School (Nevada)
KAC staff comments: It was a positive video that gave me hope for the future watching it. I liked how it showed aspects of each student’s dream and an environment in which they can realize their dreams.
International School of Beaverton (Oregon)
KAC staff comments: The video was very unique and stood as it focused on the major issue in the U.S. society, health care system. They did a great job of conveying the message using the limited resources available.
Lockport Township High School (Illinois)
KAC staff comments: The video conveyed the students’ message to create a better future that is environmenntaly friendly. The students did a great job playing the roles and it was expressed in easy-to-understand Japanese.
Mills High School (California)
KAC staff comments: I think the message of trying to change things from our everyday surroundings is great. I would definitely encourage them to spread this message to the students around them.
Woodinville High School (Washington)
KAC staff comments: I think the video did a great job explaining the necessity of deepening understanding of different cultures for the future global society in Japanese very well. The video was very enjoyable to watch and gave me hope for the future.
Liberal Arts and Science Academy (Texas)
KAC staff comments: I liked how the video introduced the characteristics of their school and how those characteristics will be useful to society in the future. I also liked the format of the video raising hte question to society. The narration in Japanese was very easy to understand.
Marble Hill High School (New York)
KAC staff comments: I liked how they took a hard look at the issues they see in their own daily lives and think about activities that individuals can do make it better.
Glenbrook South High School (Illinois)
KAC staff comments: The video was well edited and did a great job connecting the comments about the future that everyone wanted to create. It was well presented in Japanese and warmed my heart to watch.