Video Koshien 2017 Heat

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Finalists selected! (決勝進出作品決定!)

Following 8 videos were selected as finalists. Congratulations!
以下の 8つの作品が決勝進出となりました。おめでとうございます!


日本 (Japan)

US (アメリカ)

Theme: 私達の幸せ! (Our Happiness!)


Murasakino HS (紫野)



KAC staff comments: The originality of the story and the technical skills, such as camera blocking, were very impressive. I liked the message that you are happy because of all those who surround you and it made me reflect on my own life and think about what makes me happy as well.

Higashi Maizuru HS (東舞鶴)



KAC staff comments: I thought the structure of the video was outstanding and I really enjoyed how events that bring happiness were introduced in order by month. I liked how the video allowed the viewer to reflect on the things that bring them happiness throughout the year. The students’ energy and cheerfulness were also great to see.

Fukushima Minami HS (福島南)


KAC staff comments: Focusing on the moments of happiness during winter break made the video easy to understand and fun to watch. I really liked how everyone looked like they were having fun and I think it made the viewers also feel their happiness.

Hakodate Nishi HS (函館西)

KACスタッフからのコメント:皆さんのそれぞれの幸せ感が伝わってきたビデオでした。自分が次にボードを持って発表するなら何を話そうか、と考えながら楽しく拝見しました。Omiyage Exchangeの様子など、交流の様子もうまく取り込んでいたのも工夫されていてよかったです。

KAC staff comments: I liked how I could really feel the happiness each student felt in their own way. I was able to enjoy watching the video while thinking about what I would say if I was holding the sign next. It was also great that the students incorporated the scenes from the program, including Omiyage Exchange.

Yokosuka Meiko HS (横須賀明光)



KAC staff comments: The idea of connecting each student’s happiness by passing on a heart pillow was great and made me feel very happy. I liked how they expanded from Japan into broader and more global level of happiness, which provided a very interesting perspective.

Yokohama Suiran HS (横浜翠嵐)


KAC staff comments: It was great to see that the entire class worked together and I could feel their happiness through their dancing. It was also nice seeing them dancing at different places in the school. The video was really fun to watch!

Yamashiro HS (山城)


KAC staff comments: It was nice that they involved a lot of their school community in the video so we could see the ways they are happy. I could feel everyone’s everyday happiness through many different scenes. I especially liked the way the camera captured the teacher jumping in the hallway!

Chosei HS (長生)


KAC staff comments: I enjoyed seeing the students have fun and I could see how close they are. The idea of incorporating the mannequin challenge and other international trends was unique. The editing was also nicely done!

Ena Minami HS (恵那南)


KAC staff comments: I really enjoyed watching everyone’s happiness through their schools’ unique events and activities. The heartwarming BGM was also a perfect fit and watching the video made me feel very happy.

Ena HS (恵那)


KAC staff comments: Using a ball to connect each student’s happiness was beautifully done. It was easy to see what made each of them happy and it was fun to watch!

Rakuhoku HS (洛北)


KAC staff comments: I really enjoyed watching each student talk about their happiness and seeing all of their smiles. Seeing their happiness made me feel very happy. I especially like the scene where snacks were first laid out into the letters “EATING” and then eaten.

Ina Gakuen HS (伊奈学園)



KAC staff comments: What an outstanding perspective! The interesting storyline made me reflect on what my own happiness is and the friends in my life who make me happy. I was also impressed by the contrast created by the dark screen in the first half and the visuals that emphasized the support from friends in the second half.

Nichinan Shintoku HS (日南振徳)


KAC staff comments: They did a great job expressing happiness found at their school. It was really fun to watch the everyday scenes of the students in the classroom or buying lunch. I especially loved the last scene of the video!

Ueda Nishi HS (上田西)


KAC staff comments: I liked how I was able to see a wide variety of activities that made their school special and I enjoyed seeing all of the visuals. It was a lot of fun to watch all of the unique aspects of the activities!


Southwest HS


KAC staff comments: It was fun to see what makes the students happy at their school and learn more about the town they live in. The narration was easy to follow and the editing was also very well done. It was a lot of fun to watch!

Groves HS


KAC staff comments: They did a great job expressing a wide variety of happiness felt in an everyday life. I liked the use of subtitles and narration before each scene of happiness and it made it easy to follow. The students looked very happy and it was fun to watch!

Thomas Jefferson HS


KAC staff comments: It was great to see all of the unique science and technology-focused activities offered the school and I could see how much fun students are having. The explanations were also well done like a reporter on a TV show. I enjoyed seeing the sense of pride and love that the students have for the school.

Center for Global Studies



KAC staff comments: I love how the entire video was shot from the perspective of the sad person that everyone was trying to make happy. What a creative and fun video! Well done!

Kamehameha HS



KAC staff comments: This video was so fun to watch and it made me feel happy! It was visually appealing and the editing was very well done. I was able to see and feel the many things that made them happy.

Scott County HS


KAC staff comments: The video was full of happiness! I could definitely feel the many of moments of happiness felt by the students who made the film. Using everyday scenes of eating pizza, having a snowball fight, playing games and chatting with your friends to showcase happiness was great!

Downingtown West HS


KAC staff comments: It was so fun to watch the students’ do what they loved such as playing the ocarina and doing yo-yo. I liked the unique idea of including their NG cut at the end. It was so fun to watch!

Stuyvesant HS



KAC staff comments: I liked the way the students explained what happiness are to them because it made it very relatable. It was fun to watch the students find their happiness and also think about what happiness meant to me. It was well edited and nicely done!

Mills HS



KAC staff comments: I liked how the video was well edited and organized. It was fun to watch what happiness meant to each student and to actually see them doing what they loved. I loved the last scene that showed the students standing shoulder to shoulder. They looked so happy!

Ocean Lakes HS


KAC staff comments: I thought the idea of going through the school events with the mascot to showcase the happiness in school was very original and fun. It was also interesting to see the unique event on the beach. Great work!

Stevenson HS


KAC staff comments: I really liked how the video was full of students’ smiles that the happiness was contagious to the viewer! It was so fun to see how happy the students are to be with their friends through a variety of scenes. The editing was also nicely done.

Davis Senior HS


KAC staff comments: It was great to see the happiness inside and outside of school with so many specific examples packed into a short video. The narration was also well done and it showcased the school life nicely. The editing was also great and overall very well put together.

Bear Creek HS


KAC staff comments: I really enjoyed the interview format of the video! Each student’s narration was very well done and the moments of happiness were easy to understand. The editing was also cleanly done and it made me feel very happy to watch it.

Eleanor Roosevelt HS


KAC staff comments: I loved the unique and original approach of starting the video with a scientific explanation of happiness. The narration was also clear and seeing everyone’s smile was great! It was so wonderful to see that a school life is full of moments in which people are so happy.